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Yes There are rules to off-topic chats

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Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty Yes There are rules to off-topic chats

Post by Luffy Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:32 pm

There isn't many but three.

No Flamming-Flamming is when you an other people are argueeing an wont stop.
No non approved images-Please dont use images that you now will get you banned.
An the most important please have fun!!!!!!!!

All The Best

Admin Luffy

Last edited by Luffy on Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Pirate Captain of the Strawhat Pirates-Admin
Pirate Captain of the Strawhat Pirates-Admin

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Age : 32
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Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue1350/1350Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (1350/1350)
Special Weapond Attack:
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue1800/1800Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (1800/1800)
Devil Fruit Power:
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue550/550Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (550/550)

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Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty Re: Yes There are rules to off-topic chats

Post by Onago Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:38 am

this should be stickied, also cool rules


Posts : 44
Beli : 1119697
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Join date : 2010-06-20

Character Sheet
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue0/0Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Special Weapond Attack:
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue0/0Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Devil Fruit Power:
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue0/0Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty Re: Yes There are rules to off-topic chats

Post by Luffy Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:50 am

thanks for telling me
Pirate Captain of the Strawhat Pirates-Admin
Pirate Captain of the Strawhat Pirates-Admin

Posts : 299
Beli : 1014663
Experience : 10
Join date : 2010-02-22
Age : 32
Location : Going Merry

Character Sheet
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue1350/1350Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (1350/1350)
Special Weapond Attack:
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue1800/1800Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (1800/1800)
Devil Fruit Power:
Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Left_bar_bleue550/550Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty_bar_bleue  (550/550)

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Yes There are rules to off-topic chats Empty Re: Yes There are rules to off-topic chats

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